Essay Form

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question 1/2

Please share with us :
We want to know YOU – beyond professional and academic achievements. Share any important life experiences, hobbies, passions, talents, achievements, quirks, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are. 🙂

question 2/2

At ManagementX we believe great leaders have 5 main qualities:
  • perseverance in solving problems
  • passion to empower your team
  • mitigating bias in decision-making 
  • courage to take calculated risks, and 
  • adapting to changing situations

Describe a time or situation when you utilised one of these five leadership skills, the actions you took and the outcome.

How To Submit?
  • Submit the answer in a 90-120 second video, single take (no editing), speaking directly to the camera, and do not include background music or subtitles. 
  • Upload the video file in MP4 or MOV format OR upload the video on YouTube (marked unlisted) and share the video URL through the text field.